Offsetting a Carbon Footprint is a great way to immediately help reduce CO2, however it should only be the start of your impact reduction journey.
Here is a 3 step Carbon Neutral strategy you might like to follow.
STEP 1- Carbon Offsetting
- Offset your carbon footprint today with carbon credits.
- Use either a carbon footprint calculator to guide you as to how many tonnes of carbon you need to offset each month or year, or you can select one of our packages. The average carbon footprint of an individual is between 10 & 14 tonnes each year.
- Packages are based on the typical average carbon footprint of an individual or a family.
STEP 2 - Carbon Reduction
Reducing your carbon impact from every day activities which are relatively easy & inexpensive and may save you money too!
- Review your heating & hot-water time clock settings.
- Turn down your thermostat – even 1 degree will make a difference!
- Turn off lights when leaving the room.
- Unplug mobile phone chargers when not in use.
- Move to a Green Energy provider such;
- Improve home insulation.
- Consider where your food comes from and try to source locally grown produce.
- Check with your local authority for Green grants.
- Travel – Before progressing to Step 3, review your method and frequency of travel
- Do you need to make the journey?
- Can you use a bicycle?
- Can you use technology?
STEP 3 - The Final Step
Step 3 is probably the most costly step you can take and why we have left it to the last.
- You have now offset your entire carbon footprint with carbon credits whilst taking the journey to reduce carbon from every day life.
- Now is the time to think about using your green energy to replace fossil fuels for you transport.