Individuals - Calculate & Offset
Carbon Footprint
“But what can I do? I am just one person!.. said 7 Billion People!

A Few Words About Simple Carbon
Our levels of frustration increase daily as we hear about all the promises being made to stop climate change but yet see relatively low levels of tangible action. Here are some of the things you can do in order to reduce your Carbon Footprint.
- Offset all of our own personal carbon footprints.
- Reduce the amount of energy you use.
- Strive to buy clothes from sustainable brands.
- Choose food without packaging.
- Reduce the amount of red meat you consume.
- Exclude purchasing products with Palm Oil as an ingredient.
- Travel seldom where no EV is available.
- Move electricity and gas supply contracts to Green Energy retailers.
Are You Like...?

Sam lives with her partner in a 1 bedroom flat which they rents is a large city which uses gas central heating. Sam commutes to her job on a bycyle. Sam is enviromentally concious, recycles as much as possible and has chosen to stop eating meat.
Sam doesn think she has a carbon footprint but she does like to holiday twice a year, enjoys streaming TV and watching social media videos in her spare time.
Sam calucated her Carbon Footprint as was suprised to see that she does have a Carbon Fooptrint of 6 tonnes per year.
Sam has now offset her environmental impact with a monthly Carbon Offset subscription .

Remi & Guvinder have just bought their first home together. Its and old 2 bedroom terranced house with gas central heating. All of their money is being spent buying furntiure and updating the property but they cant afford to upgrade the boiler. They car share a small petrol vehile to work which is a 20 mile round trip.
Remi & Guvinder met while touring Asia and like to take at least one holiday each year to somewhere new, usually long haul.
Remi likes to eat meat while Guvinder is a vegitarian but they both loving gaming on line and spend upto 3 hours per day on average.
Remi & Guvinder calucated their Carbon Footprint to be 12 tonnes which they offset by using a monthly Carbon Offset subscription.

Andrew lives in a 4 bedroom detached home with his wife and 2 children.
Andrew is concerned about his impact upon the enviroment and the level of climate change he is witnessing. However Andrew can not afford to reduce his enviromental impact by chnaging his heating to solar panels or an electric vehicle to commute the 10 miles to work and back in his family car, and at the same time he doesnt want to sacrifie his 2 holidays overseas a year nor remove meat from his diet.
Andy has calcuated that his personal carbon footprint is 13 tonnes per year. and takes action by offsetting his Carbon Fooptrint with a small monthly subscription.
I have no idea what my Carbon Footprint was until I used the Carbon Footprint calculator and I was shocked to see how much of an impact I had upon the earth” Simple Carbon have really helped increase my understanding

The crushing weight of Eco Anxiety was impacting my daily life until I came across Simple Carbon’s free book. This short book helped me to take action and motivated me to offset my Carbon Footprint. I know its a small act, but doing something rather than noting has provided me with some relief. We need to spread the message though. Small steps by many result in big changes

Having never understood my impact upon the environment, Simple Carbon have certainly opened my eyes and motivated me to do something about it. Its such a small cost and I wish we would all do the same

Less Pollution is the Best Solution
Less pollution is the best solution for both Air, Water and Land as the effects upon human health can be harmful. Here are just some some of the health issues pollution can have on the human body.
- Headaches
- Irregular Heart Beat/Heart Attacks.
- Aggravated Asthma symptoms
- Respiratory infections
Pollution Stats
Air Pollution
Water Pollution
Land Pollution